English Learning E-book IELTS Target 7+


What this book is about 

This guide is here to teach you the IELTS test, not the English language. Why? Because even if English is your main language — forget about getting a good score in IELTS, unless you are prepared for it. Two main problems will get in your way: time, tricks and logical traps.
When it comes to IELTS, time is your worst enemy. You need to do things fast. Of course, you would get all the answers right if you had the time. But the reality is that there are a lot of questions to be answered, a lot of writing to be done, and a very little time to do it.

IELTS Target band 7.pdf - 2.1 MB

This Book teaches you HOW TO

• Listen, hear the right answers and write them down FAST
• Scan through the text and deal with all kinds of questions FAST
• Get your essay written FAST
• Build a speech in your head on any topic FAST
• Know and avoid the traps when you see them

This book might not give you the perfect English, but it sure will help you to get in shape and get your target Band Score!

Attitude tips 

In my opinion (which was validated by IELTS scores of the people I trained) you don't need more than 4 weeks of daily training. Set aside 3 hours that you devote to practice for IELTS — and it will get you the desired result.

I believe that if you can read and understand this e-book, your English is good enough. Just stick to the guidelines of this book and they will help you get the best IELTS score you can with your current level of English. You can even give yourself a day off once a week, and still be able to ace the IELTS!

IELTS Academic Module — How to Maximize Your Score 

How to use this book

The way this manual is built makes it possible for you to read the main chapters (Listening Reading Writing or Speaking tips) in any order you like, there is no dependency between them. You don't have to follow the order in which the book is written.
If you don't have much time, I suggest reading this book and doing only the exercises that are included in it, no extra work. This is not the ideal way, though.
In case you do have the time, I highly recommend that you read and pay attention to all the tips in this manual and then try to use them in practice on real IELTS tests. There are links to IELTS materials at the end of every main chapter and a detailed study plan at the end of the book.
At the end of the book, there are Pocket tips — short summary of the most important hints for all the chapters - Listening Reading Writing or Speaking. Read them every time before you start practicing — they will refresh your memory and focus you on what's really important.

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