How to Make Money Online With Ebay, Yahoo! and Google


Have you ever thought about setting up a business online? If not…where have you been for
the last five or ten years? It’s the new American dream, encompassing all the usual ideas of
independence, freedom, and wealth. And sometimes, you know, Internet-based businesses really
do bring all these things to their owners.
Not always, though, which is why you need this book. It’s easy to stumble around on the
Internet for months or years, and never quite get anywhere. What’s the difference between those
who stumble and those who leap into online success? Knowledge. You can’t succeed unless you
do the right things, and while some very successful online businesses have been built by people
who serendipitously stumbled onto the right formula, why leave such an important factor to
This book describes the basic principles, ideas, and tools that you’ll need to succeed online.
In addition, it lays out a roadmap; the book focuses on certain tools that many other successful
businesses have employed:
■ eBay This, the world’s most important online marketplace, has been used by tens of
thousands of people to launch new careers and businesses.
■ Yahoo! You’ve heard of Yahoo!’s search system, of course, but did you know that tens
of thousands of businesses use Yahoo!’s e-commerce tools to manage their online sales?
■ Google A business needs traffic, whether it’s “foot traffic” to a brick-and-mortar
store or web traffic to an e-commerce store. Google—and the other “Pay Per Click”
advertising systems—can help you generate that traffic.
We’ve split this book into three main parts. In Part I, you’ll learn how to begin working
through eBay, selling your wares through auctions, Buy It Now sales, and the eBay store.
In Part II, you’ll find out how to set up a Web store using Yahoo!’s, low-cost Merchant
Solutions software.
And in Part III, you’ll find out how to generate traffic through Google’s AdWords Pay Per
Click system…as well as how to get traffic from Yahoo!’s Search Marketing Pay Per Click
system through free search-engine traffic, from the price-comparison sites, and via a variety of
other online marketing techniques.
So let’s not waste time…your future beckons. Turn to Chapter 1 and find out how to get

Get This Book

Groundbreaking strategies for reaching millions of customers online and boosting traffic, sales, and profits. This full-color, seminar-in-a-book presents a proven plan for maximizing your online profits by leveraging the top three services: eBay, Yahoo! and Google. Youâ?™ll learn to: expand an existing eBay business to reach millions of targeted buyers; Open a Yahoo! store to build a thriving direct-to-customer business, and send more customers to their online retail business with improved search engine placement and targeted adword buys using Google. How to Make Money Online with eBay, Yahoo!, and Google explains how to use cross-merchandising and integration strategies to promote sales and manage inventory across multiple sales channels.

How Your Business Fits Online

Launching a business online can be exciting and profitable. It’s a great way to supplement an
existing income stream or even to become one’s sole occupation. Many individuals and small
businesses have met with tremendous success, some making literally millions of dollars a year,
even after starting at ground zero, with no knowledge of the Internet beyond the very basics, if
that. There are no guarantees, but it can be done. It does require patience and a willingness to go
through the steps to get it right, though. That’s what we’re going to teach you here.
Why Three Services?
In this book we explain how to use three different “channels” to build your business online:

■ Selling products through eBay auctions
■ Setting up an online store using Yahoo! Merchant Solutions
■ Promoting your business through Google, other search engines, and various other online marketing mechanisms.

Why three channels? There are a number of reasons:

■ Few businesses are simple enough to survive with a single method for finding business.
If you sell hot dogs to people who eat hot dogs, you may need only to place your hot-dog
stand on a busy street. But if you sell hot dogs to businesses that sell hot dogs to people,
you would use many different ways to reach those businesses.
■ What works well for one business may not work so well for another. Using multiple
channels to sell and to reach people increases the likelihood that you find the best one.

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