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The Amazing Spider-Man (2018-) #16.HU

Amazing Spider-Man 2018 #16.HU

The luck of Black Cat is rising. Her bridges are mostly mended with Spider-Man, and the earth is her oyster (well, it's NOW). She came from the run-in, the Thieves Guild was still intact. But the work she has just done will alter everything.
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Star Wars The Hutt Gambit (Star Wars: The Han Solo Trilogy, Vol. 2)

Star Wars: The Han Solo Trilogy

Here is the second novel in the blockbuster new trilogy that reveals the never-before-told story of the young Han Solo.  Set before the Star Wars(r) movie adventures, these books chronicle the coming-of-age of the galaxy's most famous con man, smuggler, and thief.

Solo is now a fugitive from the Imperial Navy.  But he has made a valuable friend in a former Wookiee slave named Chewbacca, who has sworn Han a  life debt.  Han will need all the help he can get.  For the Ylesian Hutts have dispatched the dreaded bounty hunter Boba Fett to track down the man who already outsmarted them once.  But Han and Chewie find themselves in even bigger trouble when they agree to lend their services to the crime lords Jiliac and Jabba the Hutt.  Suddenly the two smugglers are thrust into the middle of a battle between the might of the Empire and the treachery of their outlaw allies...a battle where even victory means death!

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Star Wars The Han Solo Trilogy 1 The Paradise Snare - A. C. Crispin

Star Wars The Han Solo Trilogy 1

Here is the first book in the blockbuster trilogy that chronicles the never-before-told story of the young Han Solo. Set before the Star Wars movie adventures, these books chronicle the coming-of-age of the galaxy's most famous con man, smuggler, and thief.

The first book in this exciting new Han Solo series begins with a recounting of Han's late teen years and shows us how he escaped an unhappy adopted home situation to carve out an adventurous new life for himself as a pilot. Han Solo, the handsome rogue, is every girl's dream man, and every boy's hero. The Paradise Snare is another stellar Star Wars production, complete with original music and sound effect.

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With the re-release of the Star Wars movies, interest in the books will likely increase. While many of the recent ones took the beloved characters into the future, this first book in the "Han Solo Trilogy" tells the story of the smuggler/pilot's childhood and teen years. Abandoned, then taken in by a Fagin-like thief/space pirate, and finally raised by an old female Wookiee, Han escapes into his first piloting job, where he falls in love for the first time and saves his girlfriend from enslavement. Crispin deftly weaves Han's early years into the Star WarsR storyline and provides details that shape his personality. This prequel belongs in Star WarsR sf collections.

The Big Black Mark - A Bertram Chandler


John Grimes ' wonderful career has been recorded over the years in dozens of fantasy novels and short stories from engravers in the Galactic Federation to admirals of the Rim Worlds. But the key story of Grimes's life is the big black mark on his service record that compelled him to modify his loyalties. DAW Books ' pride in welcoming A. In her list, Bertram Chandler is twice proud to present Grimes, the only person in space fiction that Captain Hornblower has reached in the area of marine fiction, with the scope and depth.

This is the main tale of Commander Grimes and the discovery journey in a full-length book-a spacecraft which bore an uncanny relationship with a certain iconic ship known as Bounty.

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Spartan Planet - A. Bertram Chandler

Chapter 1

THERE WAS THAT SOUND AGAIN—thin, high, querulous, yet
audible even above the rhythmic stamp and shuffle of the dance that beat out through the open windows of the Club. It sounded as though something was in pain. Something was. Brasidus belched gently. He had taken too much wine, and he knew it. That was why he had come outside—to clear his head and, he hoped, to dispel the slight but definitely mounting waves of nausea. The night air was cool, but not too cool, on his naked body, and that helped a little. Even so, he did not wish to return inside just yet. 

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He said to Achron, "We may as well watch." "No," replied his companion. "No. I don't want to. It's . . . dirty, somehow . . ." Then with a triumphant intonation, he delivered the word for which he had been groping. "Obscene." "It's not. It's . . . natural." The liquor had loosened Brasidus' tongue; otherwise, he would never have dared to speak so freely, not even to one who was, after all, only a helot. "It's we who're being obscene by being unnatural. Can't you see that?" "No, I can't!" snapped Achron pettishly. "And I don't want to. And I thank Zeus, and his priesthood, that we don't have to go through what that brute is going through." "It's only a scavenger." 

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"But it's a sentient being." "And so what? I'm going to watch, anyhow." Brasidus walked briskly to where the sound was coming from, followed reluctantly by Achron. Yes, there was the scavenger, struggling in the center of the pool of yellow light cast by a streetlamp. The scavenger—or scavengers..... had either of the young men heard of Siamese twins, that would have been the analogy to occur to them—a pair of Siamese twins fighting to break apart. But the parallel would not have been exact, as one of the two linked beings was little more than half the size of the other. Even in normal circumstances, the scavengers were not pretty animals, although they looked functional enough. They were quadrupedal, with cylindrical bodies. At one end they were all voracious mouth and from the other end protruded the organs of excretion and insemination. 

They were unlovely but useful and had been encouraged to roam the streets of the cities from time immemorial. Out on the hills and prairies and in the forests, their larger cousins were unlovely and dangerous, but they had acquired the taste for living garbage. "So . . . messy" complained Achron. "Not so messy as the streets would be if the beasts didn't reproduce themselves." "There wouldn't be the same need for reproduction if you rough hoplites didn't use them as javelin targets. But you know what I'm getting at, Brasidus. It's just that I . . . it's just that some of us don't like to be reminded of our humble origins. 

How would you like to go through the bidding process, and then have to tear your son away from yourself?" "I wouldn't. But we don't have to, so why worry about it?" "I'm not worrying." Achron, slightly built, pale, blond, looked severely up into the rugged face of his dark, muscular friend. "But I really don't see why we have to watch these disgusting spectacles." "You don't have to." The larger of the scavengers, the parent, had succeeded in bringing one of its short hind legs up under its belly. Suddenly it kicked, and as it did so it screamed, and the smaller animal shrieked in unison. 

They have broken apart now, staggering over the cobbles in what was almost a parody of human dance. They were apart, and on each of the rough, mottled flanks was a ragged circle of glistening, raw flesh, a wound that betrayed by its stench what was the usual diet of the lowly garbage eaters. The stink lingered even after the beasts, rapidly recovering from their ordeal, had scurried off, completing the fission process, in opposite directions. That was the normal way of birth on Sparta.

24 Hrs at the Somme - 1 July 1916

About the Book

One hundred years after Battle of the Somme, Robert Kershaw attempts to understand the carnage, using the voices of the British and German soldiers who lived through that awful day. In the early hours of July 1, 1916, the British General staff placed its faith in patriotism and guts, believing that one "Big Push" would bring on the end of the Great War. By sunset, there were 57,470 men—more than half the size of the present-day British Army—who lay dead, missing or wounded. On that day hope died. 

Juxtaposing the British trench view against that from the German parapet, Kershaw draws on eyewitness accounts, memories and letters to expose the true horror of that day. Among the mud, gore and stench of death, there are also stories of humanity and resilience, of all-embracing comradeship and gritty patriotic British spirit. However, it was this very emotion which ultimately caused thousands of young men to sacrifice themselves on the Somme.

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Forgotten Peace - Reform, Violence, and the Making of Contemporary Colombia

About the Book

Forgotten Peace examines the efforts of Colombian society to move beyond the worst of the war in the mid-century in the Western Hemisphere and demonstrates how this effort formed concepts of the past. In the key context of Reform optimism transformed into alienation, Robert A. Karl reconstructs meetings between public officers, farmers, provincial elites and urban intellectuals.

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In order to provide the most comprehensive account of the roots of the FARC insurgency in any language, Karl offers a sizeable reinterpretation of Colombian history, as well as a worldwide process of democratic transformation, growth, and formation of minds in the 1950s and 1960s. Overviewing modern violence theories in Latin America, Forgotten Peace difficulties.

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